My child be all that I purposed for you to be
My child there’s so much more than you could ever think or see
My child your potential is greater than you know
My child there’s so much more than you could ever think or see
My child your potential is greater than you know
My child I’ll take you places you never dreamed you’d go
So don’t lean on your own understanding
And in all things acknowledge me
And as you trust in me with all of your heart
I will make straight your path
These are the lyrics of the first verse from Helen Yousaf and her amazing song 'Child of Mine'. This is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard, with such truth being spoken in each I know every hair on your precious head
I know everything you’ve done and every word you ever said
I know the number of your days
Your strengths, your weaknesses, your ways
One day you’ll know how much I love you
‘Cause I’ll tell you face to face
Lots of love
Helen Yousaf