I used to get so concerned for people when they told me they didn't know what they wanted to achieve in life or didn't know what they wanted to do as a career. However, now at the age of 20 I am admitting - I have no clue!!! It is slightly daunting to think I am half way through my apprenticeship and have no real direction for afterwards. But of this I am certain God is the way, the truth and the life. He will give me direction and He will take me in the direction He wants me to go.
Tonight the youth led their first service. The theme was 'footprints in the sand' inspired by the Leona Lewis song as well as the moving and famous poem . The youth did everything. Choose all the content; the worships songs, the prayers, the drama, everything. They made up the worship band, they did the visuals, the sound, the welcome, they recorded it, and they wrote the preach and prayers. They were all fantastic. They spoke about God never leaving us, through the hard times or the easy, the good times or the bad. They spoke to us about how God never gives us more than what we can handle, even though it may feel like that sometimes! Every single one of them aged between 11-15 were amazing. I have increasingly been scared for the youth of today. They live in such a broken world where underage drinking , teenage murders , teenage murderers , and teenage suicide to name but a few, are increasing at an alarming rate. Tonight each young person there was making their stand. Don...