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Showing posts from January, 2008


The dictionary explanation of this word is the state, quality, or habit of being kind or a kind act or kindly treatment Roy Crowne spoke at our church on Sunday and said simple evangelism is kindness. He said be kind to people, be that little part of Jesus they see. He said its always grace before truth. Do one kind act a day. Random kindness, any act of kindness, it doesn't matter what - just do it! Tonight I spent some time with some truly beautiful people praying for healing - physical, emotional and spiritual healing for lots of people. While clinging on to this amazing Lady's hand it dawned on me the true meaning of kindness. I was truly petrified of going tonight, for no valid reason I might add, but I was so scared. But beside me and with me I had the most loving people any person could ask for. Their abounding love, compassion and selflessness shone from them. They prayed for me, for my family, for each other. They embraced each other, held each others hands, smiled at ...


I have always had an idea of the direction my life would head. I knew from the age of 5 what I wanted my occupation to be and that occupation has always stayed the same........well up until recently! It is now scary but exciting to think that God may be leading me in a completely different direction. I used to get so concerned for people when they told me they didn't know what they wanted to achieve in life or didn't know what they wanted to do as a career. However, now at the age of 20 I am admitting - I have no clue!!! It is slightly daunting to think I am half way through my apprenticeship and have no real direction for afterwards. But of this I am certain God is the way, the truth and the life. He will give me direction and He will take me in the direction He wants me to go.

Youth Cell...............

We had a youth cell last night for an amazing group of 11-14 year olds and I must confess I think its the best one we have ever had! They were being introduced to Youth Alpha, which really could have gone two ways - and thankfully they were so excited about everything. Last night the topic of conversation was "Is there more to life than this?" They were all on fire and asking questions, sharing experiences and concerns. We discussed the negative and positive sides to Christianity (the positives did out weigh the negative!) and then we worked through those negative points and found how we could change them in order to make things easier to deal with on a daily basis. Last night has just left me so excited, to what may happen during the next couple of weeks and the sessions to follow. God is at work in such an amazing way in these young lives and it is such a privilege to be able to watch them all grow.


Today in a group held at the church we sang "Will your anchor hold the storms of life". The Lord is our anchor and He is steadfast and strong. Without that anchor we're blown away and we drift away, we drift into danger and onto the road of sin and hate. But by clinging to God, our anchor, our immovable rock, our constant strength, we may drift but never too far because God keeps us near. He grounds us and keeps us safe. "We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll; fastened to the rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's love!"

My Child........

My child be all that I purposed for you to be My child there’s so much more than you could ever think or see My child your potential is greater than you know My child I’ll take you places you never dreamed you’d go So don’t lean on your own understanding And in all things acknowledge me And as you trust in me with all of your heart I will make straight your path These are the lyrics of the first verse from Helen Yousaf and her amazing song 'Child of Mine' . This is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard, with such truth being spoken in each sentence. The lyrics are just mind blowing and her voice is just stunning. She is using this song as an outreach to Christian and Non-Christians just to look at their lives and evaluate them. It is free to download on her website and it truly is mind blowing. I will leave you with the bridge lyrics from the song I know every hair on your precious head I know everything you’ve done and every word you ever said I know the number of yo...

Artful Prayers....................

It has been on my heart for a while to get the youth involved in prayer and getting them thinking about their own individual prayer life, but also to show them that prayer does not need to be boring! Thanks to Chris for this excellent blog talking about artful prayer s its really inspiring. My favourite being Sand Prayers where you set a plastic container filled with sand. One at a time, invite each person to go to the container and trace in the sand a world or symbol of something for which they seek forgiveness. When they are finished, invite them to pass their hand over what they have drawn, obliterating it as a way of accepting God's forgiveness.

Thought for the Week...........

Every Monday at 11am I have the privilidge to sit in with a group of ladies and gentlemen who meet for fellowship, praise and prayers. This wonderful group of people speak with great honesty and conviction - some of them being Christians for over 60 years!!! Today the thought I really took away with me was brought to us by one of the Elders of the church. "I'd rather walk with God in darkness, than walk alone in light I'd rather walk by faith with God, than walk alone by sight" Just truly powerful words.

Lifes Road...............

I have been spending some time with a close friend today. Her sister, Natalie, died in August, aged just 17. It was heartbreaking to lose Nat - she was one of life's pure gems. She was beautiful, kind, honest but unfortunately also unsaved. This last fact is one that breaks my heart and troubles me a lot, it is one of the points that is top of my prayer list. Anyway, my friend and I make sure as a rule, we meet every month just for a chat and a catch up. Since we last met she has celebrated her first Christmas and New year without her little sister and it has really been tough for her and the rest of the family. I sometimes find it really difficult because I never want to push my faith upon her, at the same time I just want to scream at her and say GOD CAN HELP YOU, please just let Him in. Instead I sit there in silence using the same empty reassurance lines which I cringe at as soon as I have said them!!! However today was slightly different, within 5 minutes of sitting down her c...


Weave in faith and God will find the thread. Author Unknown Faith is courage; it is creative while despair is always destructive. David S. Muzzey Faith makes things possible, not easy. Author Unknown Faith is putting all your eggs in God's basket, then counting your blessings before they hatch. Ramona C. Carroll Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of faith. Author Unknown Life without faith in something is too narrow a space to live. George Lancaster Spalding Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death. Author Unknown Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King Jr. Faith can move mountains, but don't be surprised if God hands you a shovel. Author Unknown


I have a real issue with time at the moment. It sounds really silly I know!!! I hate the way we all have to time everything. 60 seconds in a minute , 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day etc etc. I hate the way everything has its timing to stick to. On the other hand it is quite amazing! I know I have just completed contradicted myself. If you think God knows how much day to the second your body has left before it dies, God knows who He will be placing in your life within the next 48 hours, God knows the plans He has for you in the next decade whether expected to you or not. We take for granted the fact that people are born and people die, I don't think we look thoroughly at the timings of these things, God timed both these events. God knows how much time we all have left. I just plan to make the most of mine!


Its 1:01am and I am no nearer to going to sleep than I was at 9:30pm!!! I have just written a really challenging letter, which I have needed to do for a while, unfortunately it has made me very awake and has sent my mind whirling with what ifs and consequences. We always think too much - well I know I do. I think about who I want to be, what I want to do, how people perceive me, how I am going to cope if this happens, how my family will cope if that happens - I AM A NIGHTMARE!!! Spending some time away from 'normal' life this week, I had a lot of time on my hands. There was nothing I could do except think and plan. Whether this was a good thing is totally debatable!!! While away, I met an amazing young family. Their 20 year old daughter had fallen ill with pneumonia in October, after lots of complications with treatment etc she was laying in front of me severely Brain damaged and struggling to communicate, even though in her eyes you knew what she was trying to say. She had ori...

Footprints in the Sand................

I have had a week of challenge and this is the song that has helped me through it. I wanted to share these lyrics with you........ You walked with me Footprints in the sand And helped me understand Where I’m going You walked with me When I was all alone With so much unknown along the way Then I heard you say I promise you I’m always there When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair I’ll carry you When you need a friend You’ll find my footprints in the sand I see my life, Flash across the sky So many times have I Been so afraid And just when I Have thought I’ve lost my way You give me strength to carry on That’s when I heard you say I promise you I’m always there When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair I’ll carry you When you need a friend You’ll find my footprints in the sand When I’m weary Well I no you’ll be there And I can feel you When you say I promise you I’m always there When your heart is full of sadness and despair I’ll carry you When you need a friend You’ll ...

I will say.......

I will say of the Lord he is my refuge I will say of the Lord he is my strength I will say of the Lord he is my shelter, my hiding place I will come to the source all creation I will drink from the well that never dries I will draw from the one who won’t grow tired The lord of all Lou Fellingham - Treasure


Wishing Everyone a prosperous and joy filled 2008!!! Cease every available opportunity that knocks on your door with both hands, Laugh like you have never laughed before, Ask the hard questions, even if you know you will get the hard answers, Worship with heart, mind, body and soul like never before, Develop your relationship with your creator, in whatever way He wants you to. May 2008 be the best, most peace filled and blessed year yet!