As the scarlet sunset slowly fades,
And dusk introduces the night,
The crescent moon on center stage,
Gives forth a semblance of light.
Perching on the mossy dock,
Staring out at the mirrored lake,
I reflect on this new battle,
Unsure of which road to take.
In this dark serenity,
I humbly look up to You,
Asking for Your guidance
To show me what I must do.
Gulls appearing as angels
Are soaring though the skies,
A congregation of wispy clouds,
Have taken control of my eyes.
Billowing sleeves of purest white,
Seem coming through the haze,
Majestic, gentle, outstretched arms,
At once command my gaze.
Asking for some answers,
You've come with Your embrace
Through the just born evening,
You've filled me with Your grace.
The water without a ripple,
Reflects this scene from above,
A most magnificent masterpiece,
Painted wholly with Your love...
Evening Answers - BSC
