I decided this afternoon that I was being miserable and completely scrooge-like in my approach to Christmas!!!!

Although I have done my Christmas shopping, I have cheated and done most of it on the Internet so have not entered into the Christmas spirit of it!!! Because of uni work and hospital visits I have not really thought about Christmas and I haven't written any Christmas cards because I have decided my money is better given to charity where it can make some difference.

So it was very funny when I came home to see my Christmas decorations up!! My Mum and brother apparently had a fantastic time doing so - especially as it meant Jack could put the star on the tree without any arguments!!!
To make things even better we sat down together and watched the Christmas film 'Deck the Halls' which is so funny!!! We all had such a giggle and I now feel truly Christmassy!!!
Roll on the 25th December!!!