I have been learning a new song for a while. It has been a Whitney Houston song called 'Try it on my own". I wanted to perform it tonight for the first time so I have been really listening to it over the last couple of days. The lyrics are truly stunning. When I first started to learn the song I interpreted it as being a song from a crushed and broken woman getting ready to stand on her own two feet and build her life back from the ashes that it has become because of the pressures of another person. I felt it was a song about reclaiming identity.
I connected with the song as a Christian and felt that the words to me meant cutting the ties of the past and having my new identity birthed. However listening to the song again over the past few days I have realised it is not how I want to be as a Christian.
I connected with the song as a Christian and felt that the words to me meant cutting the ties of the past and having my new identity birthed. However listening to the song again over the past few days I have realised it is not how I want to be as a Christian.

"And I am not afraid to try it on my own
I don't care if I'm right or wrong
I'll live my life the way I feel
No matter what I'll keep it real you know
Time for me to do it on my own"
I am truly petrified of doing things alone. I could never succeed on my own. Which is what makes God so amazing because He will never let us do things completely on our own. We are told that God will never leave nor forsake us, we don't need to be afraid.
That's a huge concept to understand and one I think is forgotten or over-looked frequently especially when we are in the dark valley unable to find any exits - but even when we are in that dark and lonely place we are told not to worry because God will be there, His rod and staff will comfort us.
I also believe by thinking and setting out to live your life on your own you miss out on the beautiful gift called friendship. People want to be there for you to love, cherish and respect you.
That can be a really difficult idea to understand and almost impossible to believe. However fellowship and friendship with one another, also trusting that God is always with us, are the only ways in which your life wont be left empty and you wont have to try to do everything on your own...