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Lean on me..........

My time working with the youth has brought me more surprises than I ever thought possible. The way their minds work, the questions they ask and the obvious time they spend carefully placing into words the amazing thoughts and their deepest feelings truly bowl me over.

Tonight was one of those times. I received an email from a member of the youth asking me to follow the link to a video on youtube. The email went on to say how much this video had spoken to them and they wanted me to watch and hoped it would impact me the same way in which it had them. When I emailed back and asked if I could place it on my blog and explain the circumstances behind the video, their comment was "I guess the more people it touches the better".

This video is a tribute to the people of America when Hurricane Katrina hit. It is a Christian Song entitled Lean on Me, sung by Kirk Franklin, Mary J, Bono, Crystal Lewis and R Kelly


Anonymous said…
I think it is such a blessing that you have such a strong relationship with your youth. It is obvious that they feel comfortable and at ease to share things with you. I pray that God may strengthen and deepen that relationship and bless your on-going work.

From reading your blog you are clearly a blessed and beautiful young woman.

God Bless

Pastor D.K Saunders


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