On my new degree course I have really had my eyes opened and faith tested. I am the only Christian on my course which is a far cry from working in an all Christian environment last year! I am finding it really hard to adjust to this shift but guessing it it will be good for me to grow and develop in my faith. I am now just waiting for the Christian Union to be set up at the university so I have some support from other Christians at uni.

Being the only Christian is very noticeable when it comes to my Ethics and Values class! My lecturer already knows my name (why I can't remain anonymous for just a little while I will never know!) He is also the type of man who wants to know why? It drives me up the pole! He wants to know the root cause of all the decisions we make, he likes to blame all of mine on being a Christian and takes great pride in starting religious debates as often as possible. Three weeks into my course and I think I have defended my faith more than I have ever had to in my life!!! Considering I only see this man for 4 hours a week you can see where I am coming from!!!
Don't get me wrong, it's not all negative, but sometimes I just wonder what being a Christian has to do with me training to become a social worker??!! Then it clicks, the more opportunities I get to share my Christian faith with this group of 60 people, the more I hope God is using me to melt their hearts. I get so encouraged when questions or scenarios are posed to me after the lectures, it makes me realise that these people have listened to the words God has given me to say and all my fretting and wriggling throughout the class has paid off! It makes me realise that God has touched that person in a certain way that only they know.
I really pray that by the time we all graduate I am not the only Christian on my course.......