Live out each day like it might be you last
Don't plan for the future, don't hide from the past
Smile at strangers and you might change a life
Offer kisses and hugs even in pain and strife
Don't count all your money, count all your friends
Don't look to the dark side as a means to the end
Shake off your stresses, your worries, your cares
This life is a challenge so take on the dares
Don't tell people your heartaches, tell them your dreams
Let them know that life can be better than it seems
Don't number your problems, number the stars
Gaze up to heaven and see the distance isn't far
Don't let your whole life be ruled by your fear
Cherish the memories of all things you hold dear
Don't hold back the tears as they fall from your eyes
Don't give into sadness or fall for the lies
You can fly with the angels, you can sing in the night
Don't let your head doubt what your heart knows is right
Whisper a secret to the dawn of the day
Look to your loved ones to show you the way
Don't run from the truth, but accept it with pride.
Don't keep all your feelings sheltered inside
Let your silver turn gold, let your hopes all come true
Pray your joys will be many and your sorrows be few
Let the glow in your heart reflect in your soul
So you know what it's like to have and to hold
Til death do you part, may you treasure the sights
That this life had to offer, its enchantments and delights
Search for contentment in each person you meet
Let yourself find freedom, don't just stand on your feet
Dance, be at ease, for you've got just one life to live
Put your heart on the line and give it all you can give.
Meaghan Awugah 2001
