Today has been a bad day. It has been tough and it has hurt. However I have decided that this is ok. It is ok to have rubbish days, it is alright to struggle and feel desperate - as long as you turn and grasp on stronger and tighter to God.
Today has truly been pants yet I have had some amazing prayer time and alone time with God. When the group of people from Tuesday club had left the church, I just sat there in silence for about an hour. It was stunning and more helpful than words could ever be. I just knew that God knew. God knows my hearts' desire, God knows my mangled thoughts, God knows the burdens that I carry upon my shoulders, God knows my fears, my insecurities and God knows my doubts - therefore why should I be ashamed to acknowledge them?
In a preach titled 'Sustaining Grace', we heard how God's grace can and will sustain us through our tiredness, temptations and troubles. The world is a difficult place to live in, however God will sustain us through all things.
Today has truly been pants yet I have had some amazing prayer time and alone time with God. When the group of people from Tuesday club had left the church, I just sat there in silence for about an hour. It was stunning and more helpful than words could ever be. I just knew that God knew. God knows my hearts' desire, God knows my mangled thoughts, God knows the burdens that I carry upon my shoulders, God knows my fears, my insecurities and God knows my doubts - therefore why should I be ashamed to acknowledge them?
In a preach titled 'Sustaining Grace', we heard how God's grace can and will sustain us through our tiredness, temptations and troubles. The world is a difficult place to live in, however God will sustain us through all things.
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
1 John 2:15-17
"As Believers we must guard out hearts and understand that no one crashes and burns.
They just slowly fade away one little compromise at a time" Mark Hall
