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Final Youth Cell.......

So tonight was the last youth cell for the academic year, but also the last youth cell for me as ministry apprentice. I found it tough to say the least; which is strange because I will still be around just not in my role as apprentice.

Anyway, I had planned the session on evangelism and being comfortable to talk openly with other people about God whether a Christian or not. However we didn't look at this whatsoever!!!!

Yesterday I led the Sunday group and we looked at names of Jesus and the characteristics Jesus had. We listened to the song Peacemaker by Greg Ferguson and individually wrote the names and characteristics that we perceive Jesus to be and have. This group aged 11-15 did better than I could have ever imagined. Their honesty was abounding and their answers humbling. It was a real witness to me as a youth helper to see how much they have learnt and grown in such a small space of time. Amongst the words appeared shepherd, defender, protector, guider, saviour, sovereign, comforter, supporter, best friend; to name but a few. My challenge for them this week was to take on board some of the characteristics of Jesus; to be patient, kind, loving, generous, peaceful and to be like this to other people.

Tonight I really felt a sense of checking on progress with this and actually seeing how much they had taken on board. The discussion then arrived at thankfulness. If people are positive to us, if people love us and care for us, how does it make us feel? Are we thankful to/for them? I really felt God touching me and asking whether we are thankful to Him. So I asked that question. Are we thankful and appreciative to God for all He is and all He does? I know I am not as thankful as I should and could be. This then enabled me to thank the youth for all they have done and been for me over the last 11 months.

As a group we spoke about positive behaviours being infectious. If someone is kind to you, you then have this real urge to be kind to another person. We said that was the same with smiling. If you smile at someone, they then start to smile, they themselves pass it on to someone else and the chain continues.

It truly was a stunning time with some beautiful young lives which are visibly being moulded and shaped by God. It has been a true privilege to be able to witness this part of their journey.


Wings of Eagles said…
Don't underestimate the value of the part you have played in their journeys. They love you Em and I am sure truly value the input you have in their lives.
Take care.
P xx

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