Being a Christian is hard work. But then again no one said that is was ever going to be easy!!! When becoming a Christian you had to make the decision to follow Christ whole-heartedly, leaving your old self behind. And to be honest, for me that has been harder than I could have ever imagined. Three years down the track and it is still hard.
Decisions are hard.
Every decision we make has its consequence and therefore affects other people positively or negatively, whether we like it or not and whether we want it to or not. But that does not necessarily have to mean the decision is wrong.
Every friendship we end or begin; every argument we start or resolve; every text or email we make, answer or pretend didn't happen; every phone call we ignore, make or put off all have their consequences.
Someone once told me that the best things in life are the ones worth fighting for and are usually the ones that don't come easy. Sometimes I think we forget that applies to other people too. The things they want, cherish, love and need are the decisions that have cost them more that we realise. I am so sad to say that I am too quick to judge a person's actions or decisions. That is wrong. In the end whose right is it to judge whether their decision is right or wrong - certainly not mine.
I was up a lot in the night praying for forgiveness for a range of things. I was also praying for people who are hurting, praying for people who have hurt me, praying for people who have made an impact in my life whether positive or negative, people whom I am worried for; just praying for people in general. To be truthful I am not very good at that - but I couldn't sleep and I just felt that is what I should do. Whilst praying I was flicking through my very first bible given to me when I first became a Christian, I saw these words scrawled by myself in the back - "True depth comes from difficulty". I don't know where I heard them or who said them; but I do know this: they are so accurate and true...

those words are so right.
I don't think you are that quick to judge people though Emma, I believe that you think through things before you come to a decision. We may not have a right to judge others but we do, it is not always the right thing to do however it is human nature. Though we have the chance to repent of our thoughts and actions, to make our peace with our lord and to try and be better people.
By the way, I have tagged you for a meme - 6 things that make me happy. check out my blog.