So today was apparently the most depressing Monday in the year...well I had a fantastic day!!!!

I cannot see how people can say that one particular day of the year is going to be the most depressing/upsetting/happy/joyful?
I think you make your own luck (if that is really the word!!!) and if you start the day feeling it is going to be depressing, then that is exactly how it will turn out. Of course I do realise other things play into the situation, but still think it is always how you react.

My day started out pretty pants!!! I felt really poorly this morning and just felt pretty sorry for myself. Then I got the kick up the butt I needed when going to Thought For The Week this morning. Since finishing my apprenticeship, I have really missed them - so as I had the break from university, I decided to visit! They were singing with such passion and gusto, songs like 'Onward Christian Soldiers' and 'I Surrender All'; all these people just fill me with such encouragement.
Then once back on top I had a brilliant peppermint tea(!) with a friend and set the world to right! Also I had a brilliant appointment this evening....
So it is true, only you can make your day!!!