At Lamplugh House, where I am staying at the moment, a 4 day 'Way of the Spirit' conference has just started. I was told I could gate-crash whenever I liked - so tonight I did just that!!! The speaker was a man called Richard George, I have worked through one of his books before called 5 Smooth Stones and really loved it, so was excited to hear him speak.

One of his opening lines was 'God answers the desires of our hearts', he then asked the question 'what is the desire of your heart?'. Now I am not one for difficult questions!!!
What would I give everything up for? Emphasis on everything... What means more to me than anything? Because that is what God will give me. That also means I need to think about what and who I fill my heart with? Are they healthy things that God will give me, or are they things that are unhelpful and unhealthy and therefore dishonouring to God?
Richard said that where our treasure is, out heart is also.