Jim Rohn once said "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." When I first read this quote I dismissed it and thought how untrue this was!
However this has been swirling around in my mind for a while and I keep thinking if this is true, who would I want those five people to be? Do I personally surround myself with people of whom I aspire to be like, who I value and appreciate, who I look up to, who support me and who I can be a support to; do I surround myself with people who have a positive influence on my life and my walk with Christ?
This also led onto the thought process that my one true goal in life is to become more like Jesus. That is my biggest want and I think most Christians if not all relate to that. If the quote is true, then sense would tell me that I need to spend more time with God, in worship, in prayer and in study. Yet I know that since reading this quote I haven't stepped up my time with God, I haven't increased it in quantity nor quality. I also know deep down that in or
der for me to become more like Jesus I need to spend more time with Him. Jon wrote an awesome blog entry on distraction which I totally connected with. If I want to be more like Jesus I need to place aside time to be with Him and just Him. No half-heartedness, no mind wandering and no approaching it like it is a chore. Just spending quality time with my Saviour.
