Do you ever wish there were parts of your life you could rewind to and do differently and erase?

I have so many. Today after an awful day and actually some very tough emails and letters received, I find myself in that place.
But there are not just bad things I want to rewind to and do differently though. There are some good things as well. For instance there is so much in my apprenticeship I would now change - because of things that are happening now. I would deal with circumstances differently. Change the way I behaved, acted, words said and actions carried out.
My Nan always used to say to me 'don't ever do anything you may later regret'. Wise words. And I don't think I truthfully regret anything I did on my apprenticeship. Nevertheless I am now wishing I could change alot.
This evening I am thinking 'what if I never completed my apprenticeship at all? Where would I be?' and asking 'why God did you lead me onto that specific pathway?'