I cannot truly believe how vile and disgustingly disrespectful some people can be towards a dying woman.

This 27 year old woman, with two beautiful sons will almost certainly not be around this time next month. Nor spend mothers day with her children. Yet some people think its acceptable to make jokes and comment about her so negatively and horridly.
Cancer is one of the worst ways to spend your final days. Knowing something is eating you alive and you cant stop it. Knowing that something inside will steal your life away has to be the worst feeling in the world. And to be truthful, I think Jade has coped with it with dignity and self-respect. Granted I don't totally agree with how public her illness has been - but she has raised so much awareness and probably saved a good few many lives.
Who's place is it to judge anyone on how they want to die? Who should tell somebody how they should spend their final days on earth? Not mine for certain.
Now I will step down from my soapbox and say I wish Jade and her family all the love in the world. They are all so firmly rooted in my prayers.