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Showing posts from January, 2009


I am a strong believe of seasons in life. I believe there is a season for everything. Take friendships for instance. I think there are a small amount of friendships that last the course, however most of them are only for a season in your life, whether that be a year or ten years. Activities or places you attend may only be for a season. I know that when a season in my life ends it can actually be quite painful, on the other hand it can pass and change while giving me a great sense of peace.

Actions vs Words.........

Last Sunday we as a church were challenged about service and what God calls us to do. I think this applies outside of church as well. People can say they'll do something or be someone, but if their actions do not live up to their words, the words are empty and unfruitful. I recently realised how much I meant to someone because of a picture they had put up. Sounds so silly. But I had sat there with them for ages, listening to how much I meant to them, however I still doubted. Even though I have had previous confirmations from them, I felt that because their lifestyle had changed, my place would have changed. I felt this way even after their reassuring words, it was not until I saw a new picture put up that I realised. I guess what I am trying to say is don't just say what someone means to you; show them...

Romans 12:9-19.........

Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody. Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it." Romans 12:9-19 The Message

Emma Bearfoot.......

Tonight I am really sad, a good friend of mine from the Royal Brompton died very suddenly yesterday. I went back and read her blog this evening and it really moved me. Do people know if they are going to die? Although she has been unwell, Emma had a heart attack so no one actually could have predicted her passing, yet her last blog talks about life and death, and how you must make the most of life while you have it. It is so moving when re-reading it now she has gone. Even though I have known her for a few years, I never knew she had a blog until I received a comment on mine a couple of months ago. Apparently I touched her because she yearned for a faith and a relationship with Christ, but did not know how to possess one. We have shared some awesome email conversations about life and Jesus. My prayer tonight is she found what she was so desperately longing for...

Blue Monday..........

So today was apparently the most depressing Monday in the year...well I had a fantastic day!!!! I cannot see how people can say that one particular day of the year is going to be the most depressing/upsetting/happy/joyful? I think you make your own luck (if that is really the word!!!) and if you start the day feeling it is going to be depressing, then that is exactly how it will turn out.  Of course I do realise other things play into the situation, but still think it is always how you react. My day started out pretty pants!!! I felt really poorly this morning and just felt pretty sorry for myself.  Then I got the kick up the butt I needed when going to Thought For The Week this morning.  Since finishing my apprenticeship, I have really missed them - so as I had the break from university, I decided to visit! They were singing with such passion and gusto, songs like 'Onward Christian Soldiers' and 'I Surrender All'; all these people just fill me with such encouragement. ...

James 2:14-17..........

What good is it dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don't show it by your actions?  Can that kind of faith save anyone?  Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say "Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well" - but then you don't give that person any food or clothing.  What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn't enough.  Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. James 2:14-17 NLT


"You are a woman.  An image bearer of God.  The Crown of Creation.  You were chosen before time and space, and you are wholly and dearly loved.  You are sought after, pursued, romanced, the passionate desire of your Fianc é  Jesus.  You are dangerous in your beauty and your life-giving power.  And you are needed. As a woman who has been ransomed and redeemed, you can be strong and tender.  You speak to the world of God's mercy, mystery, beauty, and His desire for intimate relationship.  You are inviting; you can risk being vulnerable, offering the weight of your life as well as your need for more because you are safe in God's love.  You labour with God to bring forth life - in creativity, in work, in others.  Your aching, awakened heart leads you to the feet of Jesus, where you wait on him and wait for him.  The eyes of His heart are ever upon you.  The King is captivated by your beauty..." Captivating - Stasi & John Eldredge


So today I swapped Southend seafront for Scarborough sea front - and it was truly stunning!!! I just felt such peace and so much comfort walking along the sea front.  It was truly freezing - but not snowing which was a good thing (well for some people anyway!).  I know I have said it before, but there is something amazing walking along by the sea.  The billowing waves, the birds gliding above you, walking along the sand (even if it is with Ugg boots on!)  and the wind at times almost knocking you off your feet!  I just feel God so close to me there - showing me his glorious creation.  I just love being by the sea...

Hearts and Treasure........

At Lamplugh House, where I am staying at the moment, a 4 day 'Way of the Spirit' conference has just started.  I was told I could gate-crash whenever I liked - so tonight I did just that!!!  The speaker was a man called Richard George, I have worked through one of his books before called 5 Smooth Stones and really loved it , so was excited to hear him speak. One of his opening lines was 'God answers the desires of our hearts', he then asked the question 'what is the desire of your heart?'.  Now I am not one for difficult questions!!! What would I give everything up for?  Emphasis on everything... What means more to me than anything?  Because that is what God will give me.  That also means I need to think about what and who I fill my heart with?  Are they healthy things that God will give me, or are they things that are unhelpful and unhealthy and therefore dishonouring to God? Richard said that where our treasure is, out heart is also.  


A big bonus to spending some time away is setting time aside to do some reading.    After finishing 'The Shack' I really felt I needed a book that would excite me and enchant me as that did.  So I decided to start reading a book called 'Captivating' by John & Stasi Eldredge. All I can say is I started it at around 11pm so am not that far into it but have been moved and touched emotionally like I didn't realise I would be!! Someone said to me this book was beautiful and they were so true. The depth of beauty this writer(s) holds is mind-blowing. Their words are frequently bringing tears to my eyes.   I am sure you will be getting more updates on this book!!!

The Shack.....

Ok well I have just finished reading The Shack and was truly blown away by it.  I would advise everyone to read it and I have a copy if anyone wants to borrow it!!! I just wanted to share just a few of the lines that touched me and made me question and think about so much... "Genuine relationships are marked by submission, even when your choices are not helpful or healthy..." "As you grow in relationship with me [Jesus] what you do will simply reflect who you really are..." "Grace doesn't depend on suffering to exist, but where there is suffering you will find grace in many facets and colours..." "Guilt will never help you find freedom in God..." "It is not the nature of love to force a relationship, but it is the nature of love to open the way..." "Emotions are the colours of the soul; they are spectacular and incredible..." "God has never been disappointed in me..." "Forgiveness in no way requires that you...

Past, Present & Future.....

At the moment I am reading an amazing book called 'The Shack" - it is truly awesome.  I have heard really mixed reviews about it but can honestly say I love it!!! So I have got to a chapter where I honestly cant move on, I just keep reading it over and over again as different things keep leaping out at me so I decided to blog about them instead of keep reading them! A character in the book asks the questions are humans supposed to live in the past, present or future? Also where do you/I live; past, present or future? The book then talks about how much can be remembered by looking back into our pasts - but only for a visit and not an extended stay.   Also if you think, the future you imagine is usually without God and can sometimes be quite fearful.   This character says 'without wisdom the imagination is a cruel task-master'.  By imagining, you are trying to take power over your future, which actually is something that is unreal and probably wont be real either.  You...


Being a Christian is hard work.  But then again no one said that is was ever going to be easy!!! When becoming a Christian you had to make the decision to follow Christ whole-heartedly, leaving your old self behind.  And to be honest, for me that has been harder than I could have ever imagined.  Three years down the track and it is still hard.   Decisions are hard. Every decision we make has its consequence and therefore affects other people positively or negatively, whether we like it or not and whether we want it to or not.  But that does not necessarily have to mean the decision is wrong. Every friendship we end or begin; every argument we start or resolve; every text or email we make, answer or pretend didn't happen; every phone call we ignore, make or put off all have their consequences. Someone once told me that the best things in life are the ones worth fighting for and are usually the ones that don't come easy.  Sometimes I think we forget that applies to other people t...


Well today I travelled up to Sunny Scarborough (NOT!!! - it is freezing, I have icicles hanging from my body its that cold!!!) I am staying with my Aunt at a place called Lamplugh House ; it is part of her 3rd year placement with Kingdom Faith Bible College I have been needing some time out on my own just reading, praying, journalling and blogging.....  A.J will be working during the day so I'll be on my own to do what I want, at first glimpse the grounds are amazing and am sure I could get myself lost wandering (that's if it doesn't get too cold!!!).  There is also a conference going on later on in the week so if I want to get involved I can... so looking forward to some time out.


Wishing Everyone a prosperous and joy filled 2009!!! Cease every available opportunity that knocks on your door with both hands, Laugh like you have never laughed before, Ask the hard questions, even if you know you will get the hard answers, Worship with heart, mind, body and soul like never before, Develop your relationship with your creator, in whatever way He wants you to. May 2009 be the best, most peace filled and blessed year yet!