I have some big decisions to make over the next few weeks. It is so insane I still feel like a little girl so making all these adult decisions just doesn't make much sense to me right now!!!

I went for one of my walks this evening - before you assume it was not Southend! I am trying to find a new place to venture, Southend is almost warn out with my visiting and I think it is time I found some place new. Anyway I was walking along just thinking and praying, asking for real wisdom and guidance for the next few weeks. I am not really one of those people who gets a scripture from God that relates to their situation so I am not saying this definitely was but Jeremiah 29 kept coming to mind. Nothing more precise just Jeremiah 29.
This evening I have read it and verses 11-12 just had my heart captured
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you"
So often we think that our plans must be God's plans. God has our plans, our futures, our journey written out for us. We have to believe that if we believe our God is sovereign. I have to hold on tightly to the the fact that my God is sovereign, even if at times this really hurts and I cannot comprehend why something is happening or has happened. God knows and He only wants to bring me hope.
Through the darkest valley my God will bring me out onto the highest mountain top and enable me to soar on wings like eagles. But I must trust. I must believe. I must never lose hope.
God will answer the cries of my heart, but first I must bow down to Him in prayer and adoration. God will answer. God will listen.

God will never leave, however hard we push or fight. However hard we grasp onto and cling to, we can never lose Him. God knows our situations, God knows the decisions we have to, are making or have already made. God knows what our next phase will be.
All we can do is have peace that God only wants to bring us hope.