I have had a brilliant afternoon. I have been at the church for Easter Saturday Celebrations!!! It has been great, there was Easter tea and activities such a the beetle game, the newspaper game and other random games and quizzes. It was hilarious, the children got extremely high on sugar and just had time to run around and be free. As well as making things like Easter gardens, Easter hats and painting egg cups.
Then to top it all off it snowed!!! I am not that keen of the snow
when I am in it - however driving in it has been awesome. As it was snowing I took a detour on the way home. I then parked up by some fields and just watched. I have struggled recently with direction. Which direction I should go on lots of different matters, it was really thought-provoking watching the snow fall. Each flake has no real direction, their paths are far from straight, however their end destination is always the same.
Then to top it all off it snowed!!! I am not that keen of the snow
