Like most people, before I became a Christian I was not a particularly nice person. I did things and said things I now regret. After I became a Christian I repented of those things and thought it would make everything better. Then a few weeks ago I realised my behaviour then, still had implications on my life as a Christian today. It came to me that I n
ot only needed to apologise to God for my wrong actions, but also to the people that I carried out those wrong doings on. This week I have been doing exactly that, I have been saying sorry to those people. That 5 letter word "sorry" is actually one of the most dificult words, this I also didnt realise till this week. I knew God would forgive me as long as I was truly sorry, however with these people I didnt know whether forgiveness would be given. This week didnt completely go my way, nevertheless I know in my heart and spirit I did the right thing.

Sorry is one of the hardest words someone can say, however if it is said in the appropriate circumstance it is also the most humbling.