Isn't it funny how you remember some dates and not others?
Here are some examples, I can remember the exact date I sang my first solo - 24th December 1993 at 6:45pm!
I can remember the exact date I became a Christian - 28th July 2005 at 3:30am!I can remember the exact date I passed my driving test 16th
I met up with an old friend tonight; we were supposed to go to the cinema to watch some trashy chick flick!!! Instead we talked and talked and talked. Reminiscing on all the good things that we shared, all the adventures we used to have and why that crumbled resulting in us not speaking for a while. Both of us could remember exact dates and that really struck me.
On Thursday it would have been my Nan's birthday, this date has stuck in my head for years, the last day of January. Yet ask me when my Dads birthday is and I struggle! I have to really think and work out whether it's the 11th or 12th July (it's the 11th just in case you're interested!!!).
Not really sure why I am sharing this with you at ridiculous o'clock in the morning! Just thought I would!!!