Instead of letting myself laze about it self pity I decided to keep myself busy and rearrange my bedroom! Its something I have wanted to do for a while, I do it quite frequently usually when I am starting a new job, a new academic programme etc. So I was due for a change around ready for university.
I love the way in which everything gets so so so messy and then out of the mess things start to take shape again, but you have to get into that messy stage for it to happen. I also love the way you come across things and read things you've looked at before but never really taken notice to.
When I finished my apprenticeship I was thoroughly spoilt and placed all my cards in a memory box with my journal and other special things from the apprenticeship. I re-read through them all and read my journal and was reminded about the amazingly special time God allowed me to have during those unforgettable 11 months. I then came across a card from a beautiful willow tree ornament I was given called Angel of the heart. The card reads "for those who love and are loved".
It is astonishing how God reminds you of such simple truths when you need to be reminded by them more than ever.