At the end of October I got baptised, it was one of the most amazing things I have done in my life. And it was such a priviledge to share that time with some really special people. Today I decided to look through my memory boxes, just to reflect on different things like my trip to America, my grandparents and my young childhood. I had a look through the memory box for my baptism and came across some words that someone gave to me at my baptism and just felt the need to blog them to you.
The first is the story of the Prodigal daughter. This postcard reads:
This is the story of the prodigal daughter - it should really be called the running father who waited everyday for his girl to come home. The daughter who had rejected him so badly. But when he saw her from a long way off, he ran to her and hugged her and kissed her.
The second is a version of Psalm 23 written by Hilary Creed:
And I am content with Him
He carries my burdens and gives me rest
He refreshes my aching body.
He cleanses away the guilt from my life
He teaches me the right way to live
so that others will respect His name.
Even if i go through great darkness and hope is fading
I fear no evil powers. You are stronger than them all
Your grace and Your love protect me.
Even when the enemy is pressing hard
You lighten my days with hope.
Your welcoming arms encircle me.
I am overwhelmed by your infinite care.
I am certain that your love and goodness
will surround me all my life
And I will delight in worshipping you forever
Both of these speak to me so much now, just as they did that Sunday evening. I just felt it was so appropriate to share these with you.