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Showing posts from 2011


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

Watch the lamb....

The most beautiful song I have ever heard in my life....

Fun Run....

Every year Sawyers Church opens up it's doors for the Brentwood Fun Run - it is a fantastic way to show the community the local church. Today was no different and fun was had by all......there was a BBQ, cakes galore, hot drinks, nail painting, face painting, arts & crafts, bouncy castles - just fun and evangelism.... Why not join us all next year?


Ok so it is a long while since I have done any blogging or anything.... This I know - what an amazing year I have had.....! !! On the 23rd March 2010 I had life saving surgery on several major organs.....lets just say I have not looked back since!! I am sitting here writing this unsure of where I am on my journey of faith, however understanding that unless I had God and were I not on the mountain top last year, I know I would not be here right now looking at the fi nal stretch of my 3 year uni course, nor planning my wedding in September..... Maybe it is only when you're in the valley, do you truly appreciate the times you were on the mountain top...