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God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
Recent posts

Watch the lamb....

The most beautiful song I have ever heard in my life....

Fun Run....

Every year Sawyers Church opens up it's doors for the Brentwood Fun Run - it is a fantastic way to show the community the local church. Today was no different and fun was had by all......there was a BBQ, cakes galore, hot drinks, nail painting, face painting, arts & crafts, bouncy castles - just fun and evangelism.... Why not join us all next year?


Ok so it is a long while since I have done any blogging or anything.... This I know - what an amazing year I have had.....! !! On the 23rd March 2010 I had life saving surgery on several major organs.....lets just say I have not looked back since!! I am sitting here writing this unsure of where I am on my journey of faith, however understanding that unless I had God and were I not on the mountain top last year, I know I would not be here right now looking at the fi nal stretch of my 3 year uni course, nor planning my wedding in September..... Maybe it is only when you're in the valley, do you truly appreciate the times you were on the mountain top...

Wise words......

life is too short to wake up with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason, if you get a second chance, grab it with both hands, if it changes your life let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it....

Watoto Choir........

We were truly blessed and were able to host the Watoto Children's Choir at Sawyers church. I cant say anything else than they were awesome. They were truly bursting with life, loving God and just praising their little hearts out regardless of what they had endured and the pain they had previously suffered. They stood firm in the truth that they had been saved and would not forgotten. What an amazing testament and way to look at your life....


Now truthfully I love the snow - truly love it. It love the way it looks, feels, smells - the lot!!! I have just got back from walking the dog in it and love the way she sniffs it, leaps around in it and rolls in it - it just makes me giggle!!! I also love the way it brings a true impression of peace everywhere. I perceive it makes everyone slow down a bit and take stock, gives people time to reflect. Everyone seems to have had enough of this gorgeous white stuff but personally I think bring it on!!!